Star of David Signature Name Necklace [Sterling Silver]
First VIP order $84.00 (20% OFF)
Sale price $99.75 |
You Save $5.25
The Star of David holds profound significance and power. It symbolizes unity, protection, and faith. Celebrate your loved ones by adding their names to the necklace, ensuring that they are always near your heart. This personalized necklace will serve as a constant reminder of your faith and serve as a token of your personal story.
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Customer Reviews
I ordered a Star of David necklace with two special names,but tge Star of David was accidentally left off. Talisa immediately had ne return the item and replaced correctly. Excelment Service and Team! I will certainly order again!
The website made it easy to pick what I wanted
Fast shipping, beautiful product.
Great customer service
Beautiful and was able to be customized
Quality and customer service
Love it
Beautiful workmanship